Announcing the Winner of our AU 2008 Revit Content Survey

At Autodesk University back in December, we handed out Revit content surveys during each of our courses on Extreme Revit MEP Families to try and learn more about the types of products and product manufacturers that users are looking for in Revit. All survey respondents were automatically entered into a drawing for a free 10 Credit Pack valued at $800. Today we’re happy to announce that the winner of the Revit content survey sweepstakes is Timothy Ruffalo of Larson Engineering, an internationally recognized, full-service engineering firm with offices across the United States and clients and projects around the world.

Sweepstakes Winner: AU 2008 Revit Content Survery

Tim is a CADD Technician in Larson’s MEP department, where the firm is looking to build on its existing use of Revit Structure and begin implementing Revit MEP in 2009. Talking to Tim about Larson’s use of Revit confirmed what we feel is probably the biggest value proposition of BIM and Revit: product specification. According to Tim, he and his colleagues at Larson “are specifiers, so having the manufacturer-specific content is essential to [using] BIM accurately.” We’re excited to have the chance to work with Tim and Larson as they get started on their path to adopting Revit MEP, and look forward to creating Revit content that can help them achieve their goal of fully-integrated product specification.

Finally, we’d like to thank everyone who participated in our Revit content survey at AU 2008. The feedback we gained from your responses has been extremely valuable in helping us shape our plans for the coming year, and we greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to share their thoughts. Congratulations again to Tim, and we look forward to offering additional opportunities for direct input (and free stuff!) through our site in the near future.

About The Author

Gary Sprague
COO, FC Barcelona fanatic, new father, Hong Kong resident.