See You at AU?

The big show in Las Vegas is on the horizon! Autodesk University 2011 kicks off in less than three weeks, and I’m happy to report that Jose and I will both be attending this year’s event. We’re looking forward to taking the plunge into a sea of Revit sessions during the week, and I’m sure we’ll come up with plenty of riches to share with you through this blog.

But going to a conference is ultimately about being there with the other attendees, and we’re especially looking forward to having the chance to meet some of our customers, partners, and friends in person later this month. If you’re attending AU and would like to meet up or just say a quick hello, drop us a comment on this blog post, send an email to, @ us on Twitter, or just look out for these guys:

Look out, Jose Fandos has his eye on you! But the conference is just after Thanksgiving, Jose, not Halloween!

Am I drinking guacamole!? These were really just the best close ups I could find.

And while it is all about the human element, we clearly live in the digital age, so I’ll close by mentioning that Andekan will have a virtual booth at this year’s AU. I’m not sure when the virtual booths will go live, but when they do ours will include a video showing some new families, along with plenty of information for anyone looking to learn about us or get in touch.

Good luck to anyone making final preparations for a session or booth, and we hope to see you there.

About The Author

Gary Sprague
COO, FC Barcelona fanatic, new father, Hong Kong resident.