Updated Butterfly Valve Sample Family

Last week I announced some updates to our website, including a set of 5 new sample families available for download. In our excitement to share this new content with everyone, we accidentally posted a draft version of the Pratt Butterfly Valve on the sample downloads page. We weren’t aware of this oversight until a couple days ago, when someone who downloaded it followed up by email to ask about some errors they were seeing.

We’ve now posted the final and correct version of the butterfly valve to our sample downloads page. If you downloaded our Pratt butterfly valve and got errors when loading it or selecting certain types, then we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and frustration you experienced in trying to work with an incomplete Revit family never meant for distribution. We hope that you will consider downloading the family again and giving it another spin. In this case, the second time should be the charm.

On behalf of our entire team, thank you for your patience and understanding, and as always we welcome any questions or comments either here on the blog, by email at contact@andekan.com, or by phone at 415.366.7755.

About The Author

Gary Sprague
COO, FC Barcelona fanatic, new father, Hong Kong resident.